Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Call to Fight Lust

I wrote this poem about a month ago, before I started this blog, but I think it's still good, and has some good stuff to say. I know it's long, but hopefully interesting enough to make you read it.‘Tis a strange thingTo look at the sky, and sing.And in that same blue skyFind the strength to mortifyLust that in a man pervades;Every thought of his invades.Lust’s a strong, yet vanquished foeFor on the cross, Christ’s blood did flow.Today I stood, by God’s graceAnd spat in lust’s ugly face.The battle raged within my mindBut Christ’s love I longed to find.Come, my brothers, fight this lustBut not simply because we must.‘Tis a vice that brings a man so lowThat the joy of God he cannot know,A life consumed by this sinDecays away, from within.O what sad and wretched fateTo have a soul that cannot love nor hate,But is driven by this base desire,To a soul, lust is the pyreOn which burns love, peace and joy,It corrodes the soul of every boy.The mind of one so deceivedTo think this lust can be relievedWill never live to see contentment,But will always be delinquent.O stupid man, foolish and blind!You’ve let this lust control your mind.I know! I know the powerOf the drive to spoil this flower,I know the pain of fighting and losing,Of having the chance, yet not choosingA pure mind, a blameless lifeAnd thus living in deep strife.This page is stained with tears of failure,I’ve been ashamed of my behaviour,So these words aren’t without a heartInstead with love they do depart.I have been tempted to despond,But I have seen the prize beyond.There is yet hope for your eyesNo longer swayed by lust’s guise,You can see past skin, to the soulAnd hence view girls with control.Men, can you not see?This is true nobility!But if this goal seems far too highAnd from the depths you sigh,Though your heart be black and carnalThe Lord has spoken words eternal:“God shows his great love for usBy sending Christ to die for us”[1]Ah sweet music to my ears!Distils and breaks down all my fears.While we still being dead in sinGod lifted us to be with him.Mercy so great, and so sublimeBrings freedom from this sinful grime.So now we stand, blameless in his sightHe listens to our desperate plight,We men stand and cry as one“Lord please help us overcomeThe lust that threatens to devour,Our appetite for you to sour.”Walk the road, my brothers, my friendsWalk in the mercy that He sends.Look always to the cross of Christ,The power of it will sufficeTo give you strength to turn those eyesAnd see through all the devil’s lies.O look ahead to see the gainOf life free from bondage and pain,With pure eyes, real beauty to seeGiving women their due dignity,To relate to them as to a sisterUse all our actions to uplift her.Young men, crave, seek and long for theseGifts of surpassing great themes.For th’ soul to see beauty impregnatedIn this world that God createdMust be worth a lifetime’s fightSo strive for this with all your might!The road is long, the way is hardBut above all, your mind you must guard.Do not give in to fleeting temptationBut strive only for God’s ovation,Only there can satisfaction be found,For indeed God’s beauty will astound.‘Tis indeed a strange thingTo look at the sky and sing,Yet when breathing brings euphoriaAll ones being sings soli deo gloria.Ah the happy life of one who’s free,Possesses riches none can see.So, men, stand to your feetThe eyes of God, earnestly seek.This word from one brother to anotherExhorts you to God’s love discover,By throwing off this vile thingKnown as ‘the man’s sin’Licentiousness, lechery,It hurts your soul eternally,Do not dare to euphemiseThis evil fled from by the wise,Instead seek joy, seek life, seek hope,To a pure man, they aren’t remote.O but God deserves the final clause,In all of this, he is our causeTo fight, to pant, to thirst and toil,Knowing through it all, that he is loyal.He’s our might, our strength, our swordSo in our vict’ry we crown him Lord.[1] Romans 5:8 (NLT)